Screenwriters Panel at Reelworld

I’ll be speaking at the Reelworld Film Festival on a panel about screenwriting, put together by the WGC. The focus on the panel will be television writing, and working in the story department of a show. I haven’t written a post about it yet, but I spent a number of months working in the writing room of “The Listener” a CTV show about a crime fighter who can read minds. The experience was my first in a room, and I was given the opportunity by winning the latest round of the Bell Media Diverse Screenwriters Program. Some great and more experienced writers are also on the panel, including moderator Sugith Varughese, who was our instructor for the program, and Sudz Sutherland, who was my mentor when I was writing my spec and original. Sudz’s feature film Home Again is in cinemas now and doing really well – and if you haven’t yet, you should really go see it!
As an aside, the ReelWorld Film Festival has a special place in my heart as they programmed my two short films Useless Things, and Mr. Crab. Useless Things is free to watch (link here) and Mr. Crab is available on demand (link here).
The panel takes place Saturday April 13th, 2013 at the Famous Players Canada Square Cinemas 4
2190 Yonge Street. 12:30 PM. Click here for Tickets and info.
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