(This was copied from the facebook page of BIPOC TV & Film, a grassroots organization and collective of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour in Canada’s TV and film industry. It is a private site, so this is a transcript of the interview)
May 17 BIPOC TV & Film Asian Heritage Month Spotlight on:
Writer-Director Faisal Lutchmedial
Twitter: @faisallutch
Faisal is in pre-production for an Ontario Arts Council funded short film called Beneath Us, about two undocumented sisters trapped in an underground sweatshop. Please follow: https://www.facebook.com/
Projects you’ve loved working on:
As a director I loved working on my short film Mr. Crab, one of the few projects I’ve done where I felt we were able to get exactly what I wanted on camera. The finished film captures the fear and magic of a child’s imagination, and I am immensely proud of what the entire team helped create. Watch it here: https://youtu.be/
Currently working on:
I have a procedural medical drama series I’m mapping out right now, but it’s early days. I’m also re-writing a paranormal thriller pilot, converting it into a feature. The script is turning out different in all the right ways, and I’m having fun infusing it with some dashes of the Caribbean as well.
What does being Asian in the industry mean to you:
My parents come from two different places, Bangladesh and Trinidad & Tobago, and so I am both East and West Indian. Their backgrounds are radically different (religions too) so I feel like a child of many places. I think this is exactly the kind of story that defines Canada – and it definitely influences the kinds of stories I strive to create and share.
Dream project:
I have a feature film called Path of Light which I’ve been dreaming of making for ten years. It’s a love story about ex-lovers rekindling their relationship in India, but caught up in the nostalgia and pain of their past.
Favourite way to procrastinate:
I must admit I play a lot of video games. Find me on Xbox if you want to procrastinate together! (Xbox ID: Phizeal) It is possible I am creating a drama webseries that I am “filming” within a game. Is that procrastinating?!?
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